Business Continuity Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that we have a plan in place to mitigate the impact of any business interruption or failure on learners. This policy outlines the steps that we will take to safeguard the interests of learners in such events.


This policy applies to all learners enrolled in training courses at our training centre.

Business Continuity Plan

will develop and maintain a business continuity plan (BCP) that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a business interruption or failure. The BCP will include the following:

a. Identification of critical business processes and resources required to deliver training courses.

b. Strategies to minimise the impact of business interruption or failure on learners, including alternative delivery methods, transfer of learners to other training centres, and refunds.

c. Procedures for communication with learners, staff, and relevant stakeholders during a business interruption or failure.

d. Procedures for recovery and resumption of normal operations, including the restoration of critical business processes and resources.

Safeguarding the Interests of Learners

In the event of a business interruption or failure, we will take the following steps to safeguard the interests of learners:

a. Communication: We will communicate with learners, staff, and relevant stakeholders as soon as possible to inform them of the situation and the steps being taken to mitigate the impact.

b. Alternative Delivery Methods: We will explore alternative delivery methods, such as online learning, to minimise the impact on learners. If necessary, the training centre will transfer learners to other training centres that can accommodate them.

c. Refunds: If we are unable to deliver training courses or transfer learners to other training centres, it will issue refunds to affected learners.

d. Recovery and Resumption of Normal Operations: we will prioritise the restoration of critical business processes and resources to ensure the resumption of normal operations as soon as possible.

Staff Training

The training centre will provide training to staff on the business continuity plan and procedures to ensure that they are able to respond effectively in the event of a business interruption or failure.

Review and Evaluation

The training centre will review and evaluate the effectiveness of the business continuity plan and procedures on a regular basis and make necessary adjustments to ensure that they remain current and effective.

By implementing this policy, we can safeguard the interests of learners in the event of a business interruption or failure, and ensure that learners are able to continue their education with minimal disruption.


Published by Daniel Parrott (Director), last updated 20th February 2023

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