Equal Opportunities

This Equal Opportunities Policy applies to Gotoco’s governance, service delivery, employment and placement practices to ensure that all employees, prospective employees, and Gotoco’ers within the context of Gotoco are treated equally. It recognises those with protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act (2010): Religion or belief,  Sex,  Sexual orientation,  Gender reassignment,  Marriage and civil partnership,  Age,  Disability,  Race,  Pregnancy and maternity. 

1.1. Gotoco are committed to provide and maintain an inclusive, accessible and positive learning and working environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and any forms of harassment, bullying or victimisation.

1.2 There is a welcoming culture where everyone is treated with respect and dignity and everyone feels valued. 

1.3 Gotoco has a zero tolerance towards any acts of discrimination or harassment by or against Gotoco’ers and staff.

1.4 All Gotoco’ers are encouraged to develop and progress. Any barriers faced by specific groups are identified and action taken to address them. 

1.5 This policy will be applied as a matter of routine within our overall planning and day-today operations.

1.6 Gotoco will take seriously, and will deal with, all complaints of discrimination or disadvantage. Anyone who makes a complaint or who gives evidence will not be victimised, treated less favourably than employees, trustees, Gotoco’ers or contracted individuals or groups, or otherwise treated as if they are over-sensitive about discrimination and disadvantage

1.7 Gotoco will take disciplinary action against any member of staff or person during the programme found to be behaving in a manner which constitutes harassment or discrimination in contravention of our Equalities Policy. If a Gotoco’er is found to be harassing someone, their university will be informed. 

1.8 Any information disclosed to the institution in relation to equality and diversity issues will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with legislative requirements. 

1.9 Organisations that we work in partnership with are also expected to abide by the policy.


Published by Daniel Parrott (Director), last updated 20th February 2023

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