I am an experienced TEFL teacher/I already have a good TEFL: Can I apply?

Maybe...however ours is primarily an entry-level TEFL training programme! So we'd need to carefully consider whether this is the right programme for you. We'd also recommend you carefully consider whether you really want to join an entry-level opportunity like ours.

We'd likely consider these 3x options for you:

1.We might suggest we put you forward for one of our career-starter programmes instead - e.g the Fellowships (usually held for 6 months in Thailand).

2. Otherwise, we may have co-ordinator roles you can apply for instead, just email us and check. These are also usually a minimum 6-month commitment, but case-by-case we can offer something shorter.

3. Email us and explain your motivations for doing an entry-level programme, at our discretion we can admit you.

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